Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mobile Health Care Allows for Immediate Treatment

More and more hospitals and research centers are devoting a tremendous more money and time in the emerging field of mobile health care.  Physicians are now studying the possibilities of diagnosing injuries, sickness and diseases from photo's sent via a cell phone.  Imagine an injured mountain climber able to take a photo of his injury and transmit it to a health care professional, who is a thousand miles away, while he waits for a rescue team.  The medical personnel can examine, diagnosis the injury and instruct the rescue team or even the injured climber what treatment is needed to save a limb or even his life. 

A ambulance arrives to an accident scene and the EMT needs some immediate medical advice on a badly injured car accident victim.  The EMT can broadcast the patients situation via a high definition web cam to a nearby  hospital with  mobile health care.  This can allow the doctor to walk through the on-site EMT through medical treatments that could save a life.  Or a doctor is mobile on-site and needs a health care reference or a patients medical history.  With Mobile health care, this is available at their fingertips through the doctor's laptop or cellular phone.  
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